Thursday, March 12, 2009

Walgreens Trip #2

This was definitely my best Wags trip ever. The cashier was really funny. Instead of being annoyed at all the coupons (like sometimes the cashiers are), he was excited. He thought it was impressive when a lady came in with a total of $113 and got it down to $13 by using coupons. Mine was even better! :-)

10 bottles of various Garnier products (mousse, shampoo, hairspray)
Original price - not sure. On sale for $2.99
*Use Wags $2 off Garnier coupon
*Use 10 $1 off Mfr. Garner coupons

Final price = FREE!

4 Glade Lasting Impression Kits
Original price - not sure. On sale for $7.99
*Use Wags $4 off
*Use 2 B1G1 coupons
*Use 2 $4 off coupons

Final price = FREE!

(There could have been some overage, but the manager said it wasn't possible. Technically, I could have received $7.99 off for the free ones. However, since the Wags coupon took $4 off of each of them already, he said he couldn't give me back money. Fine with was still insanely cheap!)

2 Glade Sense n' Spray
Original price - not sure. On sale for $7.99
*Use Wags $4 off
*Use 2 $4 off coupons

Final price = FREE!

Total price OOP = 6 cents!!

According to the receipt, I saved $31 in Wags advertised savings and $77.78 in Manufacturer coupon savings. This is a total savings of $108.78!


LC said...

Ok...I am just an idiot, I guess. Where do you get all of these coupons? From the newspaper?

Jennelle said...

That's amazing! I sent Matt to get some free Garnier the other day, and the cashier wouldn't accept the coupon on top of the sale because it would have been free. Grrr!

Aimee said...

Jennelle - that's so odd they wouldn't accept it! Bummer! Maybe try another Walgreens. Some are better about coupons than others.

Aimee said...

The Garnier coupons are all from the newspaper. My grandma somehow gets quite a few sets of coupons each week. We get the Sunday paper, and my mom also passes along coupons she doesn't use. Somehow I ended up with a ton! :-)

Some coupons come from All You magazine. It's a magazine that's only sold at Wal-mart and has a ton of coupons in it.

Boyd Team said...

Awesome trip Girl! After the last Garnier deal I quit couponing. I had a bad experience with a cashier. This time I just avoided the cashier and doubled my take from the last sale. I can't believe I quit! Won't be doing that again ;)

I often purchase my coupons from Ebay and a clippers site. I'm posting on tips to obtain bulk coupons on my blog later this week.

Pamela said...

that. is. INCREDIBLE! way to go!!!
