This first picture is an ornament my mom got me of Madeleine and her dog. This is just the first of several French-releated Christmas ornaments/decor.
One of my Illini ornaments. Go Illini! (Hopefully they will win tomorrow night at the rivalry basketball game. DH, my parents, my sister, and I are going.)
An ornament of one of my favorite monuments in the world - la Tour Eiffel. We will be going to Paris on our honeymoon in June and definitely will be visiting the Eiffel Tower.
Another Eiffel Tower decoration. :-) My mom got this for me from Sur la Table a few years ago. It's an Eiffel Tower gingerbread "house." So cute! (You can see the edge of my Eiffel Tower lamp next to it and the other lamp in the background.)
An ornament I painted last year at Glazed and Confused.
An ornament my mom got us this year to commemorate our 1st Christmas as a married couple.
Various ornaments that are important to us. The take-out box I bought last year for DH. There is a fortune cookie that says something like "lucky in love" when you pull the fortune out. We had fortune cookies in take-out boxes as our wedding favors.
The moose ornament is from Niagara Falls, where DH proposed.
DH is from the San Francisco area. We went there on our mini-moon, and I bought the ornament of the Golden Gate, along with a few others.
DH went to Cal-Berkeley for his undergrad (the bear on the left.) The Illini ornament in the middle is for my undergrad. The Florida State ornament on the right is where DH went to law school.
If you look to the right of the house ornament, there is a sea lion ornament from San Francisco. Underneath that is a cable car ornament.
I LOVE Christmas time. We have some other Christmas decorations up, but I didn't take pictures of them. Oh well...I think this is enough pictures! :-)
I love all your ET's! I have a ton of Eiffel stuff too, including that same lamp. I blogged about it early in my blog life.
I love all your ornaments. I thought about you today when I was at Hobby Lobby cause they had harp ornies and I wondered if you had a ton of those already.
Merry Christmas!
You can't see them in the pics, really, but I do have a bunch of harp ornaments. :-) Merry Christmas to you, too!
ACK! I love the ET Christmas stuff!! Your tree looks fabulous!
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